Originally posted by CBS 58
WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) — Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha held its own September 11 tribute to honor those who lost their lives in the 2001 terror attack.
The school hosted a prayer service as to never forget what happened to America on that day.
After the Presentation of Colours, students also placed a wreath in front of the school’s living memorial.
Its 29 plaques honor former Catholic Memorial Students who served the military, starting in World War II.
“As the next generation of leaders we remember 9/11 and seek to understand the full extent of its impact. Give us the wisdom to use the past to bring us into a brighter future,” said Bridgid Chanen, a senior.
The students also created a red, white and blue ribbon banner that now hangs from the school building.
Katie Warns Riesch’s brother — Corporal Robert ‘Bobby’ Paul Warns II — died in Iraqi Freedom after the 9/11 attacks.
She said he was in the Marine reserves when he was called to serve again.
“The towers may have broken but America did not,” said Riesch.
She also said it’s important for younger generations to keep engaging and learning about 9/11, and to remain vigilant.
“They don’t have the memory but they can still honor the day by engaging in what happened and never forgetting” she explained. “If they’re not the generation to remember our nation will forget and what will that say for our future?”